Mens & Womans Champ of Champ Draw Link
1-5 Open Singles - Redraw of the Men's Sections
Please check the BNH website for the updated draw.
please note that all byes have now been filled.
1-5 Open Singles COP v3
Still places available in this great Men's Fours Event.
The excellent season enjoyed by Mairangi Bay’s juniors was enhanced when North Harbour’s one to five year champion of champion singles titles were decided at the weekend.
Impressive winners on the slick Browns Bay greens were Theresa Rogers in the women’s and Phillip Chisholm in the men’s. Both have been ...
Junior Men's & Woman's Champ of Champ Singles played at Browns Bay.
Good Luck to all the players involved.
We believe May is the oldest current Bowler competing in the Bowls North Harbour Centre events still skipping at 96 year young, May has won more titles than she can remember, based at the Bowls Warkworth Bowling Club May is still competitive as many of our top Bowlers have found out the hard way.
Happy Birthday May from ...
2019 PBA NZ A4 Poster Proof