It has certainly been a very interesting time over the last couple of months as we cope with an entirely different world and way of life. This is an ever changing world but it has also given opportunities to think about the way we do things and the Umpires Committee looks to embrace some changes in the way we do things also.
Spotlight On Di Burton
Di became a bowler seven years ago after being encouraged by her husband, a bowler of 30 years. She joined Tauranga South and is now an avid bowler.
In 2019 she undertook the umpire’s tutorials. She realized that the umpires “getting older” and thought she could fill a need for younger umpires. Now she is hooked, and has even given up playing in her Championships Singles and Centre Singles to umpire them.
She decided that she had spent ten weeks getting this qualification and she was going to use it.
Di has been involved in sport all her life and was an athletics representative for both Waikato and Bay of Plenty and also has ballroom dancing and Latin American dancing medals. Now gardening, sewing and garden art make up her hobbies.
Di enjoyed the course and learning about the laws. She said that she had a very good tutor who made the explanations on the laws very simple and the whole experience was an enjoyable one.
So if you see Di on the greens of Bay of Plenty say hello to her.
Good luck for your umpiring career Di.

Di receiving her umpires certificate from Neville Canute
Laws Corner
- A Toucher is in the ditch beside the jack. AS non toucher comes to rest on the rink resting on the toucher. Is this bowl live or dead?
- The bell rings to stop play during bad weather. One team decides to stay on the green. What happens to the bowls on the head and still to be played for the rink where players have stayed when play resumes.